The 2020 Vision is Berkeley’s community-wide effort to end the disparities in academic achievement that exist along racial lines among children and youth in Berkeley.  The 2020 Vision represents a commitment by the С¸£Àûµ¼º½Unified School District, the City of Berkeley, С¸£Àûµ¼º½City College, the University of California at Berkeley, and several community partners to achieve the following:
“That all children, regardless of race, ethnicity, and income, who enter С¸£Àûµ¼º½Schools beginning in 2007 (and remain in the district) will achieve equitable outcomes with no proficiency differences by the time they graduate in June, 2020; and that all children born in С¸£Àûµ¼º½in 2007 and beyond, receive a healthy start and are equally ready to learn and succeed in С¸£Àûµ¼º½Public Schools.”
Educators in С¸£Àûµ¼º½believe that improving educational outcomes for under-performing students improves outcomes for all students. Equity and academic excellence work in tandem and both are a priority in our schools.
The 2020 Vision Collaborative is currently working to make С¸£Àûµ¼º½a community in which:
All Children Enter Kindergarten Ready to Learn
All Children Read Proficiently by the End of the Third Grade
All Children Attend School
All Children Graduate from High School – Ready for College and Career
Visit the 2020 Vision Archive Page to read updates from previous years.